Legal notice


ZD Albrechtstraße GmbH
Kurfürstendamm 38/39
10719 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 80933460
Fax: +49 30 809334610

Managing Director
Heike Zauner

Register entry
Registered office of the company: Berlin
Commercial register of Berlin HRB 236829 B

Tax number
USt-IdNr.: DE348777256

Competent supervisory authority
Charlottenburg District Office

Legal Notice

ZD Albrechtstraße GmbH checks its webpages regularly for the current status of the contents. In spite of all careful maintenance of the pages, discrepancies may occur. For this reason, no warranty for the correctness and completeness of the provided information can be given.

This website contains links to other pages on the internet. In spite of careful checks of the contents, ZD Albrechtstraße GmbH does not assume any responsibility for the contents of these external internet pages. Their operators are exclusively responsible for them.

All offers on this website are subject to change. We expressly reserve making changes to the contents of this website.

Concept, Design, Location Shooting

JONASGOLD – Communication & Design

Programming, Technical Implementation

Kornhaas – Developer & Designer


Dr Katja Furthmann


The equipment shown in the visualisations (kitchens, furniture, etc.) are not included in the scope of service. We do not give a warranty for the correctness of the information or the trueness to scale of the illustrations. The picture material serves merely for the preliminary illustration of the project and possible equipment variants, which can differ from the offered scope of service. Any deviations in a later planning stage remain expressly reserved. The annexes to the purchase agreement will be solely decisive.

Photo Credits

This website uses photos by Stocksy, Westend61, Getty Images and Jonasgold.

Interior visualisations: Eve Images, exterior visualisations: Archlab Dresden